Top tertiary badminton players tustle for plaudits

Top tertiary badminton players tustle for plaudits

Seven universities were represented at the 2018 National Tertiary Badminton Championships held in Wellington over the weekend. In an anticipated but deserved result, the universities of Auckland and Waikato made the final two. The University of Auckland was triumphant for the fourth year in a row, winning the tie 4-1 in a four-hour long tustle.

The standard of competition was very high, with 14 players from four of the participating universities ranked in the top 20 senior players in the country.

In the UTSNZ inter-tertiary calendar, only the sports of Badminton and Ultimate play mixed gender games. Badminton plays five games per tie: men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles and women’s doubles, with the final match being mixed doubles.

For the full tournament round-up, visit the Badminton New Zealand news story

Posted: Tue 05 Jun 2018
